The Spokane Punk Project

Props To.....

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MATT DOBERVICH- the poor sucker who will be digitizing and equalizing and fuck-with-shit-izing all the warped, poppy, stinky music I rip. A stand-up guy.

JEFF REIMAN- Hard to find "Uncle Impy" stuff in particular, also the FIRST PERSON TO SEND ME ANYTHING!!!! get off your asses, Spokane.

EJ PETERSCHICK- donated "Mainstay" copy, also an AWESOME cousin.

Thanks to the jackasses at SKAARCO for the sarcastic emails.

MATT IRWIN- emailed me some Vermicious Knids, has promised more! Wheeeee!

CAUSE- thanks for pics, info, current mp3's, more to come?........

To all else..... c'mon, I know you've got something..... Email me, I'll even send a tape.

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